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it wont load

i love it


The game is very addicting but i wish it had more of its own visual identity instead of AI assets. i completely understand the need for it though dont get me wrong. maybe if you implement ads or some way to profit you could get an actual artist? up to u idk


wait what is aitg

Anti-Idle The Game

Flash only I think but u can play it via Flashpoint or any site w Ruffle support

Godsbane Idle - Great and extensive Idle Game! 


Aitg -> Ngu -> this

well im going to play Aitg


I played Godsbane but you are right. Anti Idle wins

how should i fight elites, one shot level or max level


Malwarebytes keeps blocking connection to Should we be worried about it?

are relics powerful?

anyway to get them faster

Its such a pain in getting a full stack of relics

(1 edit) (+1)

What is the best strategy here? If I overshoot my Acolyte and Bloodmancers consumption I will be forced to do thousands of down-clicking to adjust! Currently I just let the Sacrifices accumulate in the Rituals. Anyone can advise here please?

EDITED: After awakening the Sacrifice reset.. it should be noted in the help screen, yes?

 This is what I am using at the moment, I do not really think there is a point to having the bottom three even gain blood when I am getting so little right now. I also only have the first 4 Rites actually gaining magic, so I have a lot of soul to pump into this section. 

I see how it work now, thanks!

Also on a completely unrelated note how do you level up the items I can’t figure out how and I could not find any info in the tutorial section.

(2 edits) (+1)

I don’t know why this is but sometimes when I am in the soulcore menu and I click the help button the screen turns red and I was wondering if this was my problem, a bug, or maybe a feature that I did not know about.

Does anyone have any ideas?

This is caused by you double-clicking the panels on the left or right. It's not part of the game, and in fact most games on will probably do that.

(1 edit)

Is there not a full screen button or am I missing it?

If I don't use full screen then I can't see most of the things at the top because the top information is blocking it.


This version is outdated, go play the game on Steam if you want to keep up to date

Deleted 220 days ago

This comment is outdated, the game just updated an hour ago and you can play it here again.


Any intentions of a mac release for the desktop client? I'm really enjoying the game, but it's a pain that my save can no longer go between devices between steam and


+ 1 for Mac

(1 edit) (+2)

is there a greater pain then going afk for 24 hours just to realize you were on the wrong stage ;-;

also how do i get the second skill unlocked?

It gets unlocked when you reach a certain stage,  I don't remember which one though


I'm lost, I was tryig to download this and when it finished extracting it only had a couple of files, can I only play this in browser or download the game


Glad I found this game because this PoE league is dead...

For real though, great game so far. I'm still super early but I'm a huge NGU fan (currently just got into sadistic, I'm gonna beat it) and a huge PoE fan. It's awesome to see this game, it's so obviously inspired by both but you've put you're own twist on it. Great job, keep up the good work and I'll definitely be giving you some of my money when it's on Steam.


Just unlocked Primal Shards and i was playing around with the "Set Shards" button and the number fields and i lost a fraction of a primal shard due to floating point error.  I now have 22.999 Primal shards after awakening.  On Awaken when you refund the shards you might want to add a check or just round to he nearest whole number since it seems like you should only ever gain whole shards from seraphim.

Also can you please improve the description of the crafting systems because none of them make complete sense and I don't feel like wasting either my items or what is a very limited resource right now trying to figure it out.  In the tutorial for crafting you should really have a section for each of the 4 types and explain them in depth and how they interact with each other.

And to prevent confusion in new players maybe consider renaming the crafting 'shards' to 'materials' or something else since you have "Primal Shards" and crafting "Shards" both being added in the same wave of new systems.

Hey I just discovered the game through Steam. It looks like a lot of fun. I was wondering, if I play it here with the cloud save. Will the Steam release reset the cloud saves or will I keep my progression on Steam from where I left here? thanks


How do I reset my paragon passive tree?


go to awaken, and select "reset paragon" then you will regain all of your paragons and be able to use them as you please.


oh shit! I am dumb. Thank you so much.

no problem bro :D

how do I go to the battlefields

you click on the tab "battlefields" on the left, then hit the arrow that pops up next to "The Bound Throne | 1"

Is the yellow bar the stamina bar?


Still wondering what I have to do to increase my heartcore level.

Likewise, and I am also pondering about how to increase my accuracy to stop missing all the time

My suggestion is to focus on those rebirth upgrades

I don't think any of those increase accuracy, the only things that do at this point are the paragon nodes, but most of those are bad for my 2h axe build (Shame there's no 2h swords) and the ones that aren't require a high armor chance


heartseeker will do that, unlocked at Cathedral of war

I must not be there yet, I am at Geddon

Sorry meant the broken planes of Nazurim

it comes  after planes of nazurim so your close :)

cool I literally cant beat nazurim


I'm quite confused with Extraction craft. It says it extracting current Boost Bonus and orange crafting effect. Even if by Boost Bonus it assumes third purple craft button I haven't unlocked yet, I do have orange crafts on my items. But when I try to extract them from one item, it destroys the item (to be expected) and then I have no idea how do I actually transfer it onto new item:)

Purple button is also pretty weird to me, but its probably should change when I'll start getting shards for it to actually use;)

(1 edit) (+3)

It extracts both the crafting bonus (First crafting button where you just shove an item inside and tap forge) and the crafted bonus (Second button).

The item gets destroyed in the process and you're given a new item (Extraction orb)  which you can then move onto any item you placed into the extraction slot to apply the orb's effects onto the item inside.

For example extracting a ring with 15% crafting bonus and 5% burning damage will give you an orb that gives both the 15% crafting bonus and the 5% burning damage. 

You can only use orbs acquired from extracting weapons on other weapons, and there is a limit to the item's level that you can apply the orbs onto aswell

(1 edit)

Ok, then I just didn't notice that orb because it placed it on first inventory page and I refreshed to load previous save as my weapon just gone:) Thanks:)

how do I use the paragons?

Any idea what the "forgotten arts" in the Rites menu do? I can't seem to find anything to do there


When you get a fully stacked relic (the triangle things from Elite Enemies) you can make a "unique" in the character tab to the right, which will then show up in the "forgotten arts."  Also, when you  beat Geddon, you'll get 10 research options that'll show up there too.

Gotcha, thanks, the relics are roughly halfway done by now and I was starting to think that it's either glitched or I'm doing something wrong

I feel that relics should only need to stack to 99 or atleast something less than 999 as I have been running the same Pertubaros Legacy 10 elites on lv 9000 while oneshoting them and still I haven't even managed to hit 200 on any relic stack.

I might have a different opinion if it were possible to get relics while offline, but due to the mechanics of elites it isn't.



I have 3 different relics at 287/298/294 and I've only farmed the lvl 1000 elites there for about 10 hours, it doesn't seem that bad, are you sure it's not an issue with anything else?

I think it's glitched at a certain level because after setting my max at lv 5000 it seems to drop alot more often.

can anyone confirm or deny that it works with magicfind? so higher magicfind higher droprate of relics?


Pretty decent NGU Idle clone sans the humour aspect. Liking the Awakening not taking everything away from you. Looks like it'll be a slog but most idle games are.


Wow.. this game has depth, and for me so far its all functional. I am at level 4 on one of my Linux/Brave workstation, and at level 3 on the other.

This does not feel like an idle-game at all, and the attention to details in art and process is just awesome.

The only thing I have left to say is -- thanks  and congrats :D

When I go to swap my first skill I have to disable it but switching to the disable mode crashes the game on itch and I only can play this in browser

Just started and theres a problem that doesnt have to do with the game its self, but resolution/fullscreen is deactivated if you are playing on the website

You can just scale it up/down and press F11 in browser, works like fullscreen

omg early mythical

is mythcal not rare

i got another one not too long after that

Divine is highest rarity. mythical is i think 1 or 2 tiers beneath it. 

so basically i got two of the top 3 equipment tier in 10 minutes

ok thx

autosave disappeared overnight :/

has anybody else had their helmets disappearing?

Any plans for steam release? Unfortunately this does not work in the background, so I can't play this as it would require it always being in the foreground of my apps.

If you have it downloaded through the itch launcher you can have it run in the background, I had the same problem and that was my fix (also runs smoother than browser)

It is downloaded

It will work you just can't minimize it, just click a window behind it and let it loose focus to another window over it and it will run in the background.


So I have been wondering this for a while now. What is up with the heartcore level? It says level 0 and How do I increase it?

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